Dr. Răzvan Chirca
- Medic dentist
- Departamentul de Endodonție
- Absolvent al UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca, promoția 2008
Cursuri și congrese
- 15th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Roma 2011
- Endodonție clinică – Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Castellucci, București, 2012
- Competence in Esthetics, Viena, 2013
- 10th International Congress of Esthetic Dentistry, București, 2013
- Maraton de estetică dentară, Cluj-Napoca, 2014
- 12th International Congress of Esthetic Dentistry, București, 2015
- Competence in Esthetics, Viena, 2015
- SIE International Congress 2016, Rome, Italy
- 14th International Congress of Esthetic Dentistry, București, 2017
- 15th International Congress of Esthetic Dentistry, București, 2018
- SIE International Congress 2018, Milan, Italy
- European Society of Endodontology (ESE)
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