Dr. Andreea Derner
- Medic specialist Ortodonție și Ortopedie dento-facială
- Departamentul de Ortodonție-Pedodonție
- Absolventă a UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj-Napoca, Promoția 2017
Cursuri și congrese
- The 2 Years Mannchen Continued Education Program, Orthodontics, (în derulare 2022-2023), Dr. Roland Mannchen, Cluj-Napoca
- Congress OCCLUSION 22, 2-3 iunie 2022, Marseille
- Certificate of accreditation: SPARK Clear Aligner System, Dr. Andre El Zoghbi, 19-20 Martie 2022, București
- Sistemul Damon. Principii pentru un tratament de succes, Dr. Claudiu Coca, 17-18.12.2021, Cluj-
Napoca - Oral presentation: Digital planning of skeletally-anchored maxillary appliances – 11th Congress of
the Romanian Association for Excellence in Orthodontics – Orthodontics in Digital Era – New
Challenges, Timișoara 18-20.11.2021 - Congresul de Medicină Dentară Transilvania ”Practica stomatologică. Perspective și limite.” 14-
16.10.2021 - From enthusiasm to disappointment or back to the future- temporary anchorage devices
(TAD’s) in the digital age. Dr. Bjorn Ludwig, 04.06.2021 - Torque Selection. Importance and how to do it, Dr. Marija Saupe, 19.04.2021
- Treating Efficiently and Effectively with Passive Self-Ligation, Dr. Dimitrios Mavreas, 22.03.2021
- Passive Self-Ligation System New Concepts and Mechanics, Dr. Firas Hamzeh, 08.03.2021
- 1st FACE Online Symposium 2021, 27-28.02.2021
- International Experience of Treatment with the Damon System. 2021
- Early Orthodontic Treatment: When and How?, Dr. Marco Rosa, 2021
- MIRABELLA Orthodontic Program, Davide Mirabella, Dr. Luca Lombardo, Dr. Enzo Pasciuti, (Catania, București, Verona), 2019-2020
- 11th World Implant Orthodontic Conference & 10th AREO International Congress Improving Orthodontic Treatment, Bucuresti, 2019
- Transilvania Congress of Dentistry, Cluj-Napoca, 2019
- Curs introductiv teoretic și practic de Inhalosedare cu protoxid de azot, Dr. Anca Călin, București, 2019
- Heal or Destroy- Welcome to the world of biomimetic dentistry, Dr. Raimond van Duinen, Cluj-Napoca, 2019
- Napoca Biodent, Cluj-Napoca, 2018
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